By FS Personnel Recruitment

Well done, you got yourself an interview! Your CV clearly made an impact and now it’s up to you to make a lasting impression in your interview. All that is left to do is to put in a bit of preparation prior to the interview and then it’s your time to shine and nail that interview!
1. Know your CV
Make sure you know your own CV back to front. Yes, there are people that are asked about something on their CV and hit a complete blank or they can’t remember what it is the interviewer is referring to. Be prepared and go in expecting that you could be asked on any element included in your CV.
2. Know the job spec
Knowing the specs of the position shows the interviewer that you are genuinely interested in the position and are the kind of person who makes an effort. Read over the posting of the job you are being interviewed for and make sure that you understand the various expectations and requirements of the position you will need to meet. If there is anything you are unsure of, make a note of it and ask your interviewer in the interview.
3. Look at the company’s website
Finding out more about the company which the position is for, is really important. If you secured an interview by going through Recruitment Agencies then be sure to ask them questions about the Company. Learning what the company is about, what they do, the size and where they are based will help you determine whether it’s a company you could see yourself working for. Furthermore, if you have some insight of the company going into the interview, this tells the interviewer that you really are interested in the position and are likely to be a candidate with initiative.
4. Prepare your own questions
It is also almost guaranteed that, towards the end of the interview, the interviewer will ask you if you have any questions about the company or the position. Therefore, prepare a question or two beforehand. Asking questions is your chance to establish whether the company is the right culture fit for you and whether the job prospects meet your expectations. For example, (if it is not included on the website) how many employees work at the company? What is the working environment like? Is there room for growth within the company? What are the biggest challenges in the role? Don’t go ahead with an interview for a company or job that doesn’t excite you, as you are wasting time that you could be using to find the right job.
5. Practice your answers
Although every interviewer has their own style of asking questions, almost all interviewers will cover at least some of the more typical interview questions you always hear about. Preparing your answers to these types of questions beforehand will leave you feeling confident and prevent you from stumbling over your words to the simplest of answers.
6. Know your interviewer’s name
Find out who it is that is going to be interviewing you ahead of time. Going into an interview with a firm handshake, warm smile and greeting your interviewer using their name shows that you are a confident, warm person who is organized and prepared.
7. What to wear
What you wear says a lot about you. Upon meeting, your interviewer will immediately form their first impression of you based on how you carry yourself and what you are wearing. Looking neat, tidy and professional has a huge impact on your interviewer’s first impression of you. But remember, your outfit extends to more than just your clothes. Hair and makeup should be simple, nails neatly trimmed – and clean, and remember your smile! It will be your best accessory 🙂
8. Be on time
Work out how much time you need in order to get to your interview location. Then add an additional 10 – 20 minutes (or more) to account for any unforeseen traffic – even if it’s the middle of the day, there is always the chance that road works or an accident could happen on your route.
Arriving early shows that you are organized and reliable and will give you a chance to sit and gather your thoughts and breathe before you go in for the interview.
If you implement these 8 tips to prepare for an interview, you will go into your interview feeling a lot more confident, determined and calm. By removing all the unnecessary additional stress of being unprepared, you can focus your energy on the task at hand. This will shine through in your responses, demeanour and the ease with which you interact with your interviewer.
And trust me, any good interviewer will be able to pick up immediately if you are prepared or not and this will most definitely affect their overall impression of you.
Now go out and ace that interview!